Bookkeeping basics: A guide for small businesses

how to start a bookkeeping business

However, you still need to decide how you’ll fund your business before you get started. It’s these types of questions your clients will have in and around data security. Your goal is to make them feel secure with leaving their most valuable company information in your hands. Virtual bookkeeping involves providing a way to access data for important folks in your client’s organization. As a bookkeeping service, you can provide companies with better and more comprehensive data. And because you work from home, you may work with fewer distractions (and stress!), which in turn makes you more efficient.

Bookkeeping basics: A guide for small businesses

how to start a bookkeeping business

But at the same time, you know more sales come with more paperwork, including bills and invoices you need to track. Then there’s your Burn Rate, which measures how quickly a company spends its available cash to cover operating expenses. This metric is crucial for assessing the company’s financial health and sustainability, helping guide decisions on resource allocation and strategic planning. It’s what’s left after subtracting discounts, returns, and allowances from your gross revenue. This is the real income your company earns, showing its true financial health. For instance, if a retail store has a gross revenue of $100,000 but grants $10,000 in discounts and experiences $5,000 in returns, its net revenue would be $85,000.

Email marketing

Setting your fees and getting your pricing right for your bookkeeping business will take a bit of work but don’t feel that you need to price yourself too low. Some newsletters offer exclusive access to learning resources, such as webinars, whitepapers, and e-books. These resources provide additional opportunities for in-depth learning. The cloud allows you to work remotely (and to offer that option to your new clients) and automate your workflows while keeping your data secure. Next, set up a separate meeting to present the 3 service options you’ve created to your client to be rather than just blindly sending a proposal.

Is there bookkeeping software?

how to start a bookkeeping business

You may not want to hire employees right away, but prepare yourself now, so the process is easier in the future. You can research how to hire employees and download or bookmark any necessary forms like the W-4 and W-9 through the U.S. Your market research, along with your knowledge of your skills, should help you determine your niche.

Create a business plan

how to start a bookkeeping business

A bookkeeper’s work is applicable across many different types of industries — after all, every business needs to track and optimize its finances. However, to help market your business and set it apart amongst the competition, you may decide to specialize in a specific industry. While it’s not required for bookkeepers Navigating Financial Growth: Leveraging Bookkeeping and Accounting Services for Startups to specialize in a niche, many choose to do so for marketing purposes. If you focus on a specific industry, you can gain referrals from others within the industry and join industry associations. Once you’ve settled on a business name, you’ll need to register your business in the state in which you will do business.

how to start a bookkeeping business

The best systems even integrate with popular accounting and bookkeeping software so data is always within easy reach. You can also become certified in using accounting software, such as QuickBooks Online. Keep in mind that bookkeeping responsibilities are a bit different from those of a certified public accountant (CPA). Certified public accountants can file taxes, perform audits, and even provide professional guidance on the best way to manage company finances. There are already many bookkeeping businesses, making it a competitive industry.

But there’s more to bookkeeping than this – most business owners don’t just want to know the numbers, they want to understand them, too. If you’ve got a knack for numbers and a good head for organization, starting a bookkeeping business might just be the right choice for you. Give your productivity a boost with the small business toolkit, including free accounting, payroll and HR admin templates and checklists to use now.

  • I don’t have a ton of suggestions here as there are so many models and it depends on if you’re a Mac or PC person.
  • BILL also integrates with many of the most popular accounting software providers.
  • When hiring, it’s important to look at the qualities a candidate can bring into a firm – not necessarily just credentials.
  • We’ve got the resources, expertise and software to help you achieve your goals.

How to start a bookkeeping business in 8 steps

  • As a bookkeeping service, you can provide companies with better and more comprehensive data.
  • Without it, it’s nearly impossible to produce an accurate record of financial activities that affect everything, from profit to equity to payroll, and more.
  • They do this by completing Form 8822-B, Change of Address or Responsible Party and mailing it to the address on the form.
  • If you have mistakes to fix or transactions to track down, don’t stress.
  • Finding the right level of cash to be kept on hand requires a proper cash flow forecast and cash monitoring.
  • As you compare online bookkeeping courses, consider the range of topics covered, the course format, and the cost.